This summer Robert Rodriguez will be bringing the film Machete to theaters. If anyone caught his last double feature movie he did with Quentin Tarantinio Grindhouse, you'd remember the fake Machete trailer that went with that movie. Well Rodriguez decided to do a full length feature film out of it with career character actor Danny Trejo starring in his first leading role as Machete.
Machete is on a revenge bent who used to be a Mexican Federal, who has been double crossed as a patsy and wants revenge on those that betrayed and tried to kill him. Remember..these films are tongue in cheek, not to be taken seriously, as was Grindhouse and Death Proof, these are homage films to the B movies of the 1970's drive-in films.
Also starring in the movie are Jeff Fahey, Jessica Alba, Robert De Niro, Steven Seagal, Michelle Rodriguez, Don Johnson, Cheech Marin and a small cameo from Lindsay Lohan ( Yes she made it through her whopping 3 day shoot )
Machete will be in theaters September 3rd.
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