Well... as of today the IMDB page for the Sherlock Holmes sequel still has the very picky Daniel Day-Lewis on it's cast list to portray Professor Moriarty, considered to be Sherlock Holmes arch enemy. To Holmes, Moriarty is a criminal mastermind and primary antagonist.
Many fans of the movie, and I suppose some faithful to the book, are clamouring for this casting. They want to see Day-Lewis and Downey Jr. face off and light up the screen. Rumor is Guy Ritchie has already let it be known to Day-Lewis that it's his part if he wants it. I personally would love to see what the method actor would do with the character. But Day-Lewis is notorious for turning down projects and he hardly does summer blockbuster type movies.
I hope the rumor is true, but if he doesn't accept the gig I wouldn't be close to surprised.
Expect the Holmes sequel in December 2011, with filming to commence this fall.
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