April 1, 2011
Directed by Duncan Jones ( last years Moon & also son of David Bowie ) starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan, Vera Farmiga, Jeffrey Wright, Scott Bakula. Wriiten by Ben Richley ( The Watch ) cinematography by Oscar nominee Don Burgess ( Forrest Gump ) edtied by Paul Hirsch ( Mission: Impossible ) Original music by Chris Bacon ( Alpha & Omega )
When decorated airman Captain Colter Stevens (Gyllenhaal) wakes up in the body of an unknown man, he discovers he's part of a mission to find the bomber of a Chicago commuter train. In an assignment unlike any he's ever known, he learns he's part of a government experiment called the "Source Code", a program that enables him to cross over into another man's identity in the last 8 minutes of his life. With a second much larger target threatening to kill millions in downtown Chicago, Colter re-lives the incident over and over again, gathering clues each time, until he can solve the mystery of who is behind the bombs and prevent the next attack, but he eventually falls in love with one of the passengers.
Rated PG-13 for some violence, disturbing images and some language.
Oscar chances ? Most likely not. Release date and genre hurts it's chances, but doesn't mean it won't be a decent flick.
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